Andreas Cramer was interviewed about his work on microplastic in soil
Read the article here https://www.soils.org/news/science-news/lasting-impact-microplastics-settling-soil/
Andreas is giving a talk at the Microplastics2022 conference
Andreas Cramer will be presenting "Microplastic water repellency reduced by ferrihydrite coating" at the conference at the Congressi Stefano Franscini, Switzerland on 8th of November 2022.
Conference talk: "Microplastic interaction with soil water distribution dynamics - visualization and quantification with dual neutron and x-ray tomography"
Andreas Cramer will present his work at the 9th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography (ITMNR-9) in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 19th 2022.
Welcome Sara Di Bert!
Our group is growing and we're welcoming Sara! She started as a doctoral candidate at ETHZ.
Welcome Florian Stoll and Julian Schoch!
Florian and Julian joined the group to complete their PhD theses at the ETH. Welcome to the group!